THE ORIGINAL: The archetypal high quality touring tire. The highly elastic GreenGuard layer is 3 mm thick. One third of the GreenGuard is made up of recycled latex products. The “Anti-Aging” sidewall can withstand the typical cracking that results from overloading due to insufficient inflation pressure for much longer.
E-BIKE READY. You can choose every Marathon for your E-Bike (E-25). The main sizes are approved and tested for E-bikes up to 50 km/h (E-50).
Size: ETRTO 40-622 (28×1.50 Inch)
Typ: Wired
Compound: Endurance
Execution: GreenGuard
Color: Black-Reflex
Skin: Twin
Weight: 810 g (29 oz)
Pressure: 3.50 – 6.00 Bar (50 – 85 psi)
Maximum load: 100 kg
EPI: 67
ECE: E-50
Profil: HS420
Article number: 11100005
EAN: 4026495627931
Tube: 17, 19, 18, 19A
Original: Visokokvalitetna touring guma. Visoko elastični GreenGuard sloj debljine je 3mm. Trećinu GreenGuarda čine reciklirani proizvodi od lateksa. Bočni zid može izdržati prosječno pucanje koje je posljedica prepoterećenja zbog nedovojnog tlaka, puno duže.
Spremna je za e-bike. Možete odabrati Marathon za svoj e-bike. (E-25). Glavne veličine odobrene su i testirane za e-bicikle do 50km/h (E-50).